Breckon Consulting

Branding, website & templates


Creative direction & design

Jonathan was looking for a brand for Breckon Consulting that would get him noticed. It needed to demonstrate his experience and expertise, while also reflecting the personality behind the brand – practical, approachable, authentic.

We started with a brand exploration: to get Jonathan thinking about the values that drive Breckon Consulting, and how these might be communicated visually. This included research and an evaluation of the tone of organisations operating in a similar space.

A framework was then created, based on a spectrum of qualities and including rough sketches of what this could look like for Breckon Consulting. This allowed Jonathan to see, looking at real world examples, where best to position himself alongside his contemporaries.

The resulting brand balances the personal and professional, is distinct and confident, and playful in its modularity - and human in its imperfections.

  • Creative exploration

  • Brand book

  • Responsive website

  • Branded assets

  • Word and PowerPoint templates

  • Stationary and email footer

"Hannah was an absolute pleasure to work with. I do not find design easy. So having somebody so supportive and empathetic was really valuable. Hannah was able to give me a wide range of ideas that really hit the mark - and also made me smile and gave me a rare lift during the working day. Design that I could feel proud of'

Jonathan Breckon

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